Библиотека по американистике

Бенджамин Локерд. Т.С. Элиот и чувство истории  - на английском языке

Стивен Рэкман. Ральф Эллисон и Ф.М. Достоевский: критическое переосмысление эстетики и политики - на английском языке

Ira Nadel. Notes from Underground: In English - на русском языке

Chatterjee, Choi. Everyday Life in Transnational Perspective. Consumption and Consumerism, 1917–1939. Everyday Life in Russia Past and Present, ed. by C. Chatterjee, D.L. Ransel, M. Cavender, K. Petrone. 2015: 368–389.

Chatterjee, Choi. “Imperial Subjects in the Soviet Union: M.N. Roy, Rabindranath Tagore, and Re-Thinking Freedom and Authoritarianism.” Journal of Contemporary History 52:4 (2017): 913–934.

Chatterjee, Choi. “The Russian Romance in American Popular Culture, 1890–1939.” Americans Experience Russia: Encountaring the Enigma, 1917 to the Present, ed. by C. Chatterjee, B. Holmgren. Routledge, 2017: 87–104.

Chatterjee, Choi. “Transnational Romance, Terror, and Heroism: Russia in American Popular Fiction, 1860–1917.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 50:3 (2008): 753–777.

Ickstadt, Heinz. Aesthetic Innovation and the Democratic Principle. Essays on Twentieth-Century American Poetry and Fiction. Universitaetsverlag: Heidelberg, 2016 (фрагменты):
