Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
Andrey Kofman. The Theme of Barbarism in Latin American Literature. 2016. Issue 1.
African American literature
Kate Baldwin. Revolution and Langston Hughes’s Central Asian Writings. 2017. Issue 3.
Elena Ostrovskaya. Langston Hughes’s Correspondence with “International Literature” . 2017. Issue 3.
Dale E. Peterson. Richard Wright, 1938–1945: from Gorky to Dostoevsky. 2017. Issue 3.
Olga Panova. Richard Wright’s Might-Have-Been Travel to the USSR. 2017. Issue 3.
Olga Panova. Ralph Ellison and Ellison Studies in the West and in Russia. 2018. Issue 5.
Bryan Crable. “Who Invents Rituals?”: Ralph Ellison Reads Lord Raglan. 2018. Issue 5. 2018. Issue 5.
James B. Haile. Magic and the Prestige in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man. 2018. Issue 5.
Olga Panova. Exotic Visitor: Claude McKay in the Soviet Union. 2019. Issue 6.
Sam Halliday. Cinema and Cinematicity in Ralph Ellison’s Three Days Before the Shooting… 2020. Issue 8.
Olga Panova. Ralph Ellison: The Writer’s Life in Letters. 2020. Issue 8.
Irina Morozova. ХХХI Zora! Festival and Multiverse: Introduction to Afrofuturism Conference (Eatonville-Orlando, Florida, USA). 2020. Issue 8.
Ainsa Fernando
Yuri Guirin. In memoriam Fernando Ainsa. 2019. Issue 7.
Albee, Edward
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Alberti, Rafael
Natalia Kharitonova. Letter from Cuba. Rafael Alberti and María Teresa León in Havana. 2020. Issue 8.
Amado, Jorge
Marina Fonseca Darmaros. Jorge Amado and the Soviet Union. Notes on the Topic. 2018. Issue 5.
American literary studies
Natalia Vysotska. American Literary Studies in Ukraine: State-ofthe-Art. 2017. Issue 2.
Yuri Stulov. American Studies in Belarus. 2017. Issue 2.
Olga Panova. Ralph Ellison at Oxford. 2018. Issue 4.
Irina Morozova. Zora! Festival and The XIIIth CAAR Biennale Conference, Eatonville-Orlando, Florida. 2019. Issue 6.
Irina Morozova, Victoria Zhuravleva. VI Zverev International Conference at RSUH “Collective Memory: Power of the Past in Socio-Cultural Life in the USA”. 2019. Issue 6.
Roxana Preda. Make It New – the Digital Magazine of the Ezra Pound Society. 2019. Issue 7.
Roxana Preda. The Cantos of Ezra Pound: The Cantos Project. 2019. Issue 7.
Karina Ibragimova. The 28th EPIC: International Poundian Forum in Salamanca. 2019. Issue 7.
Anderson Araujo. Poundians on the Trail of El Cid. 2019. Issue 7.
Andrey Astvatsaturov. Transatlantica at Smolny: Old World–New World Literary Contacts. 2020. Issue 8.
Irina Morozova. ХХХI Zora! Festival and Multiverse: Introduction to Afrofuturism Conference (Eatonville-Orlando, Florida, USA). 2020. Issue 8.
Andersch, Alfred
Evgeny Zachevsky. Overseas Debuts of Group 47: Considering the Origins of the Post-War German Literature. 2019. Issue 6.
Anikst, Aleksandr A.
Anisimov, Ivan I.
Apletin, Mikhail Ya.
Olga Panova. Richard Wright’s Might-Have-Been Travel to the USSR. 2017. Issue 3.
Arguedas, Álcides
Andrey Kofman. The Theme of Barbarism in Latin American Literature. 2016. Issue 1.
Andrey Astvatsaturov. Raids of the Transatlantic Avant-Guarde. 2020. Issue 8.
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Barbusse, Henri
Victoria Popova. Henri Barbusse’s Trip to Latin America: Unrealized Project. 2016. Issue 1.
Baudrillard, Jean
Douglas Robinson. If I Only Had a Brain: The Capgras Delusion, Simulacra, and Fiction in the Echo Maker and Jackass 3D. 2016. № 1
Andrey Astvatsaturov. A Book about the Beatniks. 2018. Issue 5.
Bellow, Saul
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Berman, Sabina
Bernstein, Charles
John Gery. Resisting Apollo: The Legacy of Ezra Pound in Late 20th Century American Poetry. 2019. Issue 7.
Andrei Bronnikov. Making the Epic New: Notes on the Russian Translation of The Cantos. 2019. Issue 7.
Bierce, Ambrose
Andrey Tanaseichuk. Ambrose Bierce’s Literary Environment, 1890–1900. 2017. Issue 2.
Brodsky, Nikolay L.
Bronnikov, A.V.
Olga Ushakova. Poetry against “Usura”: Ezra Pound’s Cantos in Contemporary Russia. 2018. Issue 5.
Buck, Pearl
Stephen Rachman. Pearl S. Buck in Literary History. 2017. Issue 2.
Olga Panova. Pearl S. Buck and the USSR. 2017. Issue 2.
Butor, Michel
Anastasia Gladoshchuk. Julio Cortázar’s Prose and the French Nouveau Roman. 2019. Issue 6.
Caldwell, Erskine
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Callahan, John F.
Olga Panova. Ralph Ellison and Ellison Studies in the West and in Russia. 2018. Issue 5.
Olga Panova. Ralph Ellison: The Writer’s Life in Letters. 2020. Issue 8.
Capote, Truman
Denis Zakharov. A History of Creation and Publication of Truman Capote’s Short Story “Mill Store” . 2018. Issue 4.
Denis Zakharov. Truman Capote’s Unfinished Novel “Answered Prayers”: On the History of Creation and Publication. 2019. Issue 6.
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Denis Zakharov. Unknown Harper Lee. 2020. Issue 8.
Carmon, Walt
Olga Panova. Pearl S. Buck and the USSR. 2017. Issue 2.
Elena Ostrovskaya. Langston Hughes’s Correspondence with “International Literature” . 2017. Issue 3.
Olga Panova. Richard Wright’s Might-Have-Been Travel to the USSR. 2017. Issue 3.
Carpentier, Alejo
Casper, Kevin
Chase, Mary
Chin, Marilyn
John Gery. Resisting Apollo: The Legacy of Ezra Pound in Late 20th Century American Poetry. 2019. Issue 7.
Cinema and cinematicity
Sam Halliday. Cinema and Cinematicity in Ralph Ellison’s Three Days Before the Shooting… 2020. Issue 8.
Victoria Popova. Henri Barbusse’s Trip to Latin America: Unrealized Project. 2016. Issue 1.
Olga Panova. Exotic Visitor: Claude McKay in the Soviet Union. 2019. Issue 6.
Conner, Marc C.
Olga Panova. Ralph Ellison: The Writer’s Life in Letters. 2020. Issue 8.
Contemporary American poetry
John Gery. Resisting Apollo: The Legacy of Ezra Pound in Late 20th Century American Poetry. 2019. Issue 7.
Contemporary American prose
Cortázar, Julio
Anastasia Gladoshchuk. Julio Cortázar’s Prose and the French Nouveau Roman. 2019. Issue 6.
Cournos, John
Olga Ushakova. The Russian Revolution and Communism in “The Criterion”. 2017. Issue 3.
Cousins, Norman
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Olga Ushakova. The Russian Revolution and Communism in “The Criterion”. 2017. Issue 3.
V.M. Tolmatchoff. T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound: To the History of Creative Contacts. 2019. Issue 7.
Cummings, E.E.
Mikhail Oshukov. E.E. Cummings: Grammar and Geometry of Revolution. 2017. Issue 3.
Dana, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Maxim Gudkov. The Gorki Fund in the USA and Revolutionary Russia: From the History of Soviet-American Contacts in the 1920s. 2020. Issue 8.
Darío, Rubén
Andrey Kofman. The Theme of Barbarism in Latin American Literature. 2016. Issue 1.
Octavio Paz. The Siren and the Seashell. Part II. Transl. A. Gladoshchuk. 2017. Issue 2.
Rubén Darío. Foreign Writers in Paris. Transl. T. Balashova. 2017. Issue 2.
Delphine Rumeau. Hemispheric Whitman (Bicentennial-2019). 2020. Issue 8.
Dinamov, Sergei S.
Elena Ostrovskaya. Langston Hughes’s Correspondence with “International Literature” . 2017. Issue 3.
Victoria Popova. Waldo Frank and the USSR. 2017. Issue 3.
Olga Panova. Richard Wright’s Might-Have-Been Travel to the USSR. 2017. Issue 3.
Dostoevsky, Fedor M.
Dale E. Peterson. Richard Wright, 1938–1945: from Gorky to Dostoevsky. 2017. Issue 3.
Elvira Osipova. Salinger, Dostoyevsky, and the Orthodox Tradition. 2018. Issue 4.
Dunaevskaya, Raya
Duncan, Isadora
Natalia Shubnikova-Guseva. “My Sight Broke...”: Esenin about America. 2017. Issue 3.
Maxim Skorokhodov. Sergei Esenin in the Mirror of American Periodicals, 1922–1925. 2017. Issue 3.
DuPlessis, Rachel Blau
John Gery. Resisting Apollo: The Legacy of Ezra Pound in Late 20th Century American Poetry. 2019. Issue 7.
Olga Ushakova. The Russian Revolution and Communism in “The Criterion”. 2017. Issue 3.
V.M. Tolmatchoff. T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound: To the History of Creative Contacts. 2019. Issue 7.
Elistratova Anna A.
Ellison, Ralph Waldo
Olga Panova. Ralph Ellison and Ellison Studies in the West and in Russia. 2018. Issue 5.
Bryan Crable. “Who Invents Rituals?”: Ralph Ellison Reads Lord Raglan. 2018. Issue 5. 2018. Issue 5.
James B. Haile. Magic and the Prestige in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man. 2018. Issue 5.
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Sam Halliday. Cinema and Cinematicity in Ralph Ellison’s Three Days Before the Shooting… 2020. Issue 8.
Olga Panova. Ralph Ellison: The Writer’s Life in Letters. 2020. Issue 8.
Erdrich, Louise
Louise Barnett. Louise Erdrich’s Trilogy of Justice. 2018. Issue 4.
Esenin, Sergei A.
Natalia Shubnikova-Guseva. “My Sight Broke...”: Esenin about America. 2017. Issue 3.
Maxim Skorokhodov. Sergei Esenin in the Mirror of American Periodicals, 1922–1925. 2017. Issue 3.
European Association of American Studies (EAAS)
Natalia Vyssotska. European Association for American Studies Conference-2016. 2016. № 1.
Faulkner, William
Felipe, León
Delphine Rumeau. Hemispheric Whitman (Bicentennial-2019). 2020. Issue 8.
Fenollosa, Ernest
Paula Barba Guerrero. Re/Membering Place: Ideogrammic Memory in Ezra Pound’s The Cantos. 2019. Issue 7.
Feshchenko, V.V.
Andrey Astvatsaturov. Raids of the Transatlantic Avant-Guarde. 2020. Issue 8.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Elvira Osipova. Who Is Mr Gatsby? The Portrait Against the Backdrop of the New York City in the Twenties. 2019. Issue 6.
Frank, Waldo
Victoria Popova. Waldo Frank and the USSR. 2017. Issue 3.
Victoria Popova. “South of Us”: Waldo Frank and José Carlos Mariátegui. 2019. Issue 6.
Victoria Popova. In Search of “Our America”: Two Trips of Waldo Frank to Argentina (1929, 1942). 2020. Issue 8.
French Nouveau Roman
Anastasia Gladoshchuk. Julio Cortázar’s Prose and the French Nouveau Roman. 2019. Issue 6.
Freud, Sigmund
Rhett Forman. “A Vague, Invarious Delight”: Ezra Pound’s “Middle-Aging Care” and Bernard Hart’s Psychology of the Complex. 2019. Issue 7.
Gaines, Ernest
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Galperina, Evgeniya L.
García Romero, Manuel Vicente
Andrey Kofman. The Theme of Barbarism in Latin American Literature. 2016. Issue 1.
Gass, William
Ivan Delazari. A Medium of Fiction: William H. Gass. 2018. Issue 4.
Gilenson, Boris
Natalia Pakhsarian. Boris Gilenson (1932–2018). 2019. Issue 6.
Ginsberg, Allen
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Giovanni, Nikki
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Glazova, Perla N.
Glusberg, Samuel
Victoria Popova. “South of Us”: Waldo Frank and José Carlos Mariátegui. 2019. Issue 6.
Victoria Popova. In Search of “Our America”: Two Trips of Waldo Frank to Argentina (1929, 1942). 2020. Issue 8.
Golder, Frank A.
Gorky, Alexei M.
Dale E. Peterson. Richard Wright, 1938–1945: from Gorky to Dostoevsky. 2017. Issue 3.
Maxim Gudkov. The Gorki Fund in the USA and Revolutionary Russia: From the History of Soviet-American Contacts in the 1920s. 2020. Issue 8.
Grass, Günter
Evgeny Zachevsky. “Group 47” at Princeton. 2020. Issue 8.
“Group 47”
Evgeny Zachevsky. Overseas Debuts of Group 47: Considering the Origins of the Post-War German Literature. 2019. Issue 6.
Evgeny Zachevsky. “Group 47” at Princeton. 2020. Issue 8.
Harlem Renaissance
Olga Panova. Exotic Visitor: Claude McKay in the Soviet Union. 2019. Issue 6.
Hart, Bernard
Rhett Forman. “A Vague, Invarious Delight”: Ezra Pound’s “Middle-Aging Care” and Bernard Hart’s Psychology of the Complex. 2019. Issue 7.
Hellman, Lillian
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Hemispheric Studies
Victoria Popova. “South of Us”: Waldo Frank and José Carlos Mariátegui. 2019. Issue 6.
Delphine Rumeau. Hemispheric Whitman (Bicentennial-2019). 2020. Issue 8.
Victoria Popova. In Search of “Our America”: Two Trips of Waldo Frank to Argentina (1929, 1942). 2020. Issue 8.
Tatiana Venediktova. “Je chante avec toi, Walt Whitman”. 2020. Issue 8.
Hersey, John Richard
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Hindus, Maurice
History of American Literature (1947)
Howe, Irvin
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Hughes, Langston
Kate Baldwin. Revolution and Langston Hughes’s Central Asian Writings. 2017. Issue 3.
Elena Ostrovskaya. Langston Hughes’s Correspondence with “International Literature” . 2017. Issue 3.
Delphine Rumeau. Hemispheric Whitman (Bicentennial-2019). 2020. Issue 8.
Hurston, Zora
Paul Devlin. A Literary Archaeology of Reverend Hickman’s Juneteenth Sermon in Ralph Ellison’s Second Novel. 2018. Issue 5.
Irina Morozova, Victoria Zhuravleva. VI Zverev International Conference at RSUH “Collective Memory: Power of the Past in Socio-Cultural Life in the USA”. 2019. Issue 6.
Irina Morozova. ХХХI Zora! Festival and Multiverse: Introduction to Afrofuturism Conference (Eatonville-Orlando, Florida, USA). 2020. Issue 8.
Hyman, Stanley Edgar.
Bryan Crable. “Who Invents Rituals?”: Ralph Ellison Reads Lord Raglan. 2018. Issue 5. 2018. Issue 5.
Tatiana Venediktova. Professionalism at Its Best. 2018. Issue 4.
Ilf, Ilya A., Petrov, Evgeny P.
Lioudmila Fedorova. Found in Non-Translation: English Language in the American Travelogues of Russian Writers (1890s – 1930s). 2019. Issue 6.
Ira B. Nadel. Ezra Pound’s Global Poetics. 2019. Issue 7.
Rhett Forman. “A Vague, Invarious Delight”: Ezra Pound’s “Middle-Aging Care” and Bernard Hart’s Psychology of the Complex. 2019. Issue 7.
International Literature
Elena Ostrovskaya. Langston Hughes’s Correspondence with “International Literature” . 2017. Issue 3.
Olga Panova. Richard Wright’s Might-Have-Been Travel to the USSR. 2017. Issue 3.
Victoria Popova. Waldo Frank and the USSR. 2017. Issue 3.
Andrey Kofman. The Theme of Barbarism in Latin American Literature. 2016. Issue 1.
James, Henry
Olga Antsyferova. Henry James: Creating of Biography. 2016. Issue 1.
Nina Moroz. “I Never Heard Such a Spectacle”: Visual and Acoustic Imagery in James Thurber’s Short Stories. 2019. Issue 6.
Joyce, James
Paul Devlin. A Literary Archaeology of Reverend Hickman’s Juneteenth Sermon in Ralph Ellison’s Second Novel. 2018. Issue 5.
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Kazin, Alfred
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Kellin, Fedor V.
Marina Fonseca Darmaros. Jorge Amado and the Soviet Union. Notes on the Topic. 2018. Issue 5.
Natalia Kharitonova. Letter from Cuba. Rafael Alberti and María Teresa León in Havana. 2020. Issue 8.
Keyes, Daniel
Khaustov, D.
Andrey Astvatsaturov. A Book about the Beatniks. 2018. Issue 5.
Killens, John Oliver
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Koeppen, Wolfgang
Evgeny Zachevsky. America through the Eyes of a European: Koeppen’s Amerikafahrt. 2018. Issue 5.
Kopelev, Lev Z.
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Olga Shcherbinina. Albert Maltz and Raisa Orlova, 1960s–1970s. 2020. Issue 8.
Koreneva, Maya M.
Koster, Henry
Kunitz, Stanley
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Kushner, Tony
Kuteishchikova, V.N.
Marina Fonseca Darmaros. Jorge Amado and the Soviet Union. Notes on the Topic. 2018. Issue 5.
Lee, Harper
Denis Zakharov. “Precious Pleasures”. Truman Capote’s Letters: Reconstructing the Creative History of the Novel In Cold Blood. 2018. Issue 5.
Denis Zakharov. Unknown Harper Lee. 2020. Issue 8.
Lee, Steven
Elena Galtsova. “Ethnic Avant-Garde” as a Contemporary Cross-Cultural Utopia. Steven Lee and the World Revolution. 2017. Issue 3.
Lermontov, Mikhail Yu.
Denis Zakharov. Truman Capote’s Unfinished Novel “Answered Prayers”: On the History of Creation and Publication. 2019. Issue 6.
León, María Teresa
Natalia Kharitonova. Letter from Cuba. Rafael Alberti and María Teresa León in Havana. 2020. Issue 8.
Lieberman, Jennifer L.
Irina Golovacheva. Electrical America. 2018. Issue 5.
Life of Outstanding People, series
Lindsay, Vachel
Little Theatre Movement
Amina Zhamanova. Provincetown Players’ Stage Productions Starring Eugene O’Neill. 2020. Issue 8.
London, Jack
Andrei Tanaseichuk. On the Margins of Jack London Biography. 2018. Issue 4.
Alina Zakharova. Jack London Unveiled. 2018. Issue 4.
Luppol Ivan K.
Mailer, Norman
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Maltz, Albert
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Olga Shcherbinina. Albert Maltz and Raisa Orlova, 1960s–1970s. 2020. Issue 8.
Mariátegui, José Carlos
Victoria Popova. “South of Us”: Waldo Frank and José Carlos Mariátegui. 2019. Issue 6.
Victoria Popova. In Search of “Our America”: Two Trips of Waldo Frank to Argentina (1929, 1942). 2020. Issue 8.
Marinello, Juan
Natalia Kharitonova. Letter from Cuba. Rafael Alberti and María Teresa León in Havana. 2020. Issue 8.
Markham, Edwin
Andrey Tanaseichuk. Ambrose Bierce’s Literary Environment, 1890–1900. 2017. Issue 2.
Mayakovsky, Vladimir V.
Natalia Shubnikova-Guseva. “My Sight Broke...”: Esenin about America. 2017. Issue 3.
Vera Terekhina. Mayakovsky in Latin America, 1930–1940. 2017. Issue 3.
Lioudmila Fedorova. Found in Non-Translation: English Language in the American Travelogues of Russian Writers (1890s – 1930s). 2019. Issue 6.
McCarthy Cormac
McKay, Claude
Olga Panova. Exotic Visitor: Claude McKay in the Soviet Union. 2019. Issue 6.
McLuhan, Marshall
Panayiotes T. Tryphonopoulos, Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos. Modernism’s “Doors of Perception”: From Ezra Pound’s Ideogrammic Method to Marshall Mcluhan’s “Mosaic”. 2019. Issue 7.
Melville, Herman
Elvira Osipova. “Ego non baptizo te in nomine patris...”: On the Fantastic / Supernatural / Demoniac in Melville’s Novel Moby Dick. 2020. Issue 8.
Mendelson, Moris O.
Mickenberg, Julia
Miller, Arthur
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Miller, Henry
Andrey Astvatsaturov. The First Russian Biography of Henry Miller. 2018. Issue 4.
Mir, Pedro
Delphine Rumeau. Hemispheric Whitman (Bicentennial-2019). 2020. Issue 8.
Motylyova, Tamara L.
Andrey Kofman. Peculiarities of Mythology in Latin American Literature. 2020. Issue 8.
Neruda, Pablo
Delphine Rumeau. Hemispheric Whitman (Bicentennial-2019). 2020. Issue 8.
Norton Anthology of American Literature
Nuevo Verismo
Zhanna Ivanova de Mendoza. Nuevo Verismo and Testimonio in the XXth Century Latin American Literature. 2019. Issue 6.
Kevin C. Moore. Invisible in the White House: Rethinking Ellison through Barack Obama’s Global Reading List. 2018. Issue 5.
Ocampo, Victoria
Victoria Popova. “South of Us”: Waldo Frank and José Carlos Mariátegui. 2019. Issue 6.
Victoria Popova. In Search of “Our America”: Two Trips of Waldo Frank to Argentina (1929, 1942). 2020. Issue 8.
Okhrimenko, Petr F.
Olga Panova. Exotic Visitor: Claude McKay in the Soviet Union. 2019. Issue 6.
O’Neill, Eugene
Amina Zhamanova. Provincetown Players’ Stage Productions Starring Eugene O’Neill. 2020. Issue 8.
Orlova, Raisa D.
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Olga Shcherbinina. Albert Maltz and Raisa Orlova, 1960s–1970s. 2020. Issue 8.
Paso, Fernando del
Marco Aurelio Larios. The Use of the Archives in Fernando del Paso’s News of the Empire. 2018. Issue 5.
Paz, Octavio
Octavio Paz. The Siren and the Seashell. Part II. Transl. A. Gladoshchuk. 2017. Issue 2.
Pilniak, Boris A.
Lioudmila Fedorova. Found in Non-Translation: English Language in the American Travelogues of Russian Writers (1890s – 1930s). 2019. Issue 6.
Pinsky, Robert
John Gery. Resisting Apollo: The Legacy of Ezra Pound in Late 20th Century American Poetry. 2019. Issue 7.
Plath, Sylvia
Poe, Edgar
Elena Apenko. The Reader’s Figure in Edgar Allan Poe’s Theory of Artistic Creativity. 2017. Issue 2.
Elvira Osipova. On Poe’s Translations in Russia. 2017. Issue 2.
Nina Moroz. “I Never Heard Such a Spectacle”: Visual and Acoustic Imagery in James Thurber’s Short Stories. 2019. Issue 6.
Nina Moroz. “The Four-Dimensional Art”: On One Animated Adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe. 2020. Issue 8.
Irina Golovacheva, Svetlana Udalova. Retranslating Ambiguity: On the New Translations of Two Tales by E.A. Poe. 2020. Issue 8.
Poetic influence
Ira B. Nadel. Ezra Pound’s Global Poetics. 2019. Issue 7.
John Gery. Resisting Apollo: The Legacy of Ezra Pound in Late 20th Century American Poetry. 2019. Issue 7.
Delphine Rumeau. Hemispheric Whitman (Bicentennial-2019). 2020. Issue 8.
Pollard, Percival
Andrey Tanaseichuk. Ambrose Bierce’s Literary Environment, 1890–1900. 2017. Issue 2.
Pound, Ezra
Olga Ushakova. Poetry against “Usura”: Ezra Pound’s Cantos in Contemporary Russia. 2018. Issue 5.
EZRA POUND Special Issue (7):
A Tribute to Ezra Pound. Editor’s Note. 2019. Issue 7.
Ian Probstein, comp. “Labors and Days”: Ezra Pound Timeline. 2019. Issue 7. Ian Probstein. Pisan Cantos by Ezra Pound. 2019. Issue 7.
Andrei Bronnikov. Lines for Olga by Ezra Pound. 2019. Issue 7.
Michael Alexander. What Ezra Pound Meant to Me. 2019. Issue 7.
Ira B. Nadel. Ezra Pound’s Global Poetics. 2019. Issue 7.
John Gery. Resisting Apollo: The Legacy of Ezra Pound in Late 20th Century American Poetry. 2019. Issue 7.
V.M. Tolmatchoff. T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound: To the History of Creative Contacts. 2019. Issue 7.
Karina Ibragimova. Translation as Interpretation: Ezra Pound and Old English Poetry. 2019. Issue 7.
Mikhail Oshukov. Ezra Pound’s Dramatic Works: Vorticist Noh Theater. 2019. Issue 7.
Paula Barba Guerrero. Re/Membering Place: Ideogrammic Memory in Ezra Pound’s The Cantos. 2019. Issue 7.
Panayiotes T. Tryphonopoulos, Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos. Modernism’s “Doors of Perception”: From Ezra Pound’s Ideogrammic Method to Marshall Mcluhan’s “Mosaic”. 2019. Issue 7.
Rhett Forman. “A Vague, Invarious Delight”: Ezra Pound’s “Middle-Aging Care” and Bernard Hart’s Psychology of the Complex. 2019. Issue 7.
RodionBelkovich. Ezra Pound and the Republican Tradition. 2019. Issue 7.
Thomas Urban. Ezra Pound and Katyn: A Russian Trace in The Cantos. 2019. Issue 7.
Andrei Bronnikov. Making the Epic New: Notes on the Russian Translation of The Cantos. 2019. Issue 7.
Roxana Preda. Make It New – the Digital Magazine of the Ezra Pound Society. 2019. Issue 7.
Roxana Preda. The Cantos of Ezra Pound: The Cantos Project. 2019. Issue 7.
Karina Ibragimova. The 28th EPIC: International Poundian Forum in Salamanca. 2019. Issue 7.
Anderson Araujo. Poundians on the Trail of El Cid. 2019. Issue 7.
Vassili Molodiakov. Ezra Pound and George Sylvester Viereck: History of Relations and Unpublished Autograph (1954). 2020. Issue 8.
Powers, Rishards
Provincetown Players
Amina Zhamanova. Provincetown Players’ Stage Productions Starring Eugene O’Neill. 2020. Issue 8.
Raglan, Lord
Bryan Crable. “Who Invents Rituals?”: Ralph Ellison Reads Lord Raglan. 2018. Issue 5. 2018. Issue 5.
Richter, Hans Werner
Evgeny Zachevsky. Overseas Debuts of Group 47: Considering the Origins of the Post-War German Literature. 2019. Issue 6.
Evgeny Zachevsky. “Group 47” at Princeton. 2020. Issue 8.
Bryan Crable. “Who Invents Rituals?”: Ralph Ellison Reads Lord Raglan. 2018. Issue 5. 2018. Issue 5.
James B. Haile. Magic and the Prestige in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man. 2018. Issue 5.
Roa Bastos, Augusto
Andrey Kofman. “I Aspired in My Creative Work to Start from a Mythological or Symbolic Vision of Reality…”: On the Occasion of Augusto Roa Bastos’ Birth Centenary. 2017. Issue 2.
Robbe-Grillet, Alain
Anastasia Gladoshchuk. Julio Cortázar’s Prose and the French Nouveau Roman. 2019. Issue 6.
Rossomakhin A.A.
Andrey Astvatsaturov. Raids of the Transatlantic Avant-Guarde. 2020. Issue 8.
Reyles, Carlos
Andrey Kofman. The Theme of Barbarism in Latin American Literature. 2016. Issue 1.
Reed, John
William Benton Whisenhunt. John Reed and the Russian Revolution. 2017. Issue 3.
Rodo, José Enrique
Andrey Kofman. The Theme of Barbarism in Latin American Literature. 2016. Issue 1.
Roth, Philip
Olga Karasik. Philip Roth in Russia: Translations and Reception. 2018. Issue 4.
Rudge, Olga
Andrei Bronnikov. Lines for Olga by Ezra Pound. 2019. Issue 7.
Michael Alexander. What Ezra Pound Meant to Me. 2019. Issue 7.
Rulfo, Juan
Andrey Kofman. Juan Rulfo’s Birth Centenary. 2017. Issue 3.
Juan Rulfo. Interview to the newspaper “¡Siempre!”, transl. A. Kofman. 2017. Issue 3.
Rumeau, Delphine
Tatiana Venediktova. “Je chante avec toi, Walt Whitman”. 2020. Issue 8.
Salinger Jerome
Elvira Osipova. Salinger, Dostoyevsky, and the Orthodox Tradition. 2018. Issue 4.
Salverson, Laura
Andrey Korovin. Kensington Runestone and Its Literary Life. 2018. Issue 4.
Sandberg, Carl
Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino
Andrey Kofman. The Theme of Barbarism in Latin American Literature. 2016. Issue 1.
Saroyan, William
Maxim Gudkov. Music of the Highlands in Manhattan: William Saroyan’s Drama Debut. 2018. Issue 5.
Sarraute, Nathalie
Anastasia Gladoshchuk. Julio Cortázar’s Prose and the French Nouveau Roman. 2019. Issue 6.
Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés de
Andrey Kofman. The Theme of Barbarism in Latin American Literature. 2016. Issue 1.
Sheffauer, Hermann
Andrey Tanaseichuk. Ambrose Bierce’s Literary Environment, 1890–1900. 2017. Issue 2.
Silman, Tatiana I.
Startsev, Abel I.
Sterling, George
Andrey Tanaseichuk. Ambrose Bierce’s Literary Environment, 1890–1900. 2017. Issue 2.
Stetsenko, Ekaterina
Natalia Vysotska. Ekaterina Stetsenko (1946-2018). 2018. Issue 5.
Ekaterina Stetsenko. Memoirs (fragments). 2018. Issue 5.
Stevens, Wallace
Styron, William
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Tanaseichuk, Andrey B.
Tarle, Yakov
Zhanna Ivanova de Mendoza. Nuevo Verismo and Testimonio in the XXth Century Latin American Literature. 2019. Issue 6.
Thompson, Dorothy
Thoreau, Henry
Olga Polovinkina. “Thinking Body” in H.D. Thoreau’s Poetry. 2018. Issue 4.
Thurber, James Grover
Nina Moroz. “I Never Heard Such a Spectacle”: Visual and Acoustic Imagery in James Thurber’s Short Stories. 2019. Issue 6.
Translation Studies
Elvira Osipova. On Poe’s Translations in Russia. 2017. Issue 2.
Karina Ibragimova. Translation as Interpretation: Ezra Pound and Old English Poetry. 2019. Issue 7.
Andrei Bronnikov. Making the Epic New: Notes on the Russian Translation of The Cantos. 2019. Issue 7.
Irina Golovacheva, Svetlana Udalova. Retranslating Ambiguity: On the New Translations of Two Tales by E.A. Poe. 2020. Issue 8.
Tretyakov, Sergei M.
Trotsky, Leon D.
Olga Panova. Exotic Visitor: Claude McKay in the Soviet Union. 2019. Issue
Tseitlin, Aleksandr G.
Turgenev, I.S.
Olga Ushakova. Smoke, Prufrock and la Femme Fatale (I.S. Turgenev and T.S. Eliot on a Rendez-Vous) . 2018. Issue 5.
Twain, Mark
Updike, John
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Uspensky, Igor N.
Vallejo, César
Vera Terekhina. Mayakovsky in Latin America, 1930–1940. 2017. Issue 3.
Vasseur, Armando
Delphine Rumeau. Hemispheric Whitman (Bicentennial-2019). 2020. Issue 8.
Vidal, Gore
Valeria Abrosimova. Raisa Orlova’s “Bridges: Russian-American Literary Connections” Half a Century. 2019. Issue 6.
Viereck, George Sylvester
Vassili Molodiakov. Vampire as Superman. George Sylvester Viereck’s Decadent Novel The House of the Vampire in the USA and Germany. 2020. Issue 8.
Vassili Molodiakov. Ezra Pound and George Sylvester Viereck: History of Relations and Unpublished Autograph (1954). 2020. Issue 8.
Vonnegut Kurt
Ekaterina Stetsenko. The Concept of Childishness in the Literature of the United States of America. 2017. Issue 2.
Mikhail Oshukov. Ezra Pound’s Dramatic Works: Vorticist Noh Theater. 2019. Issue 7.
Paula Barba Guerrero. Re/Membering Place: Ideogrammic Memory in Ezra Pound’s The Cantos. 2019. Issue 7.
Panayiotes T. Tryphonopoulos, Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos. Modernism’s “Doors of Perception”: From Ezra Pound’s Ideogrammic Method to Marshall Mcluhan’s “Mosaic”. 2019. Issue 7.
Irina Kabanova. Evelyn Waugh and the USA. 2016. № 1.
Wheatley, Phillis
Whitman, Walt
Delphine Rumeau. Hemispheric Whitman (Bicentennial-2019). 2020. Issue 8.
Tatiana Venediktova. “Je chante avec toi, Walt Whitman”. 2020. Issue 8.
Wright, Richard
Dale E. Peterson. Richard Wright, 1938–1945: from Gorky to Dostoevsky. 2017. Issue 3.
Olga Panova. Richard Wright’s Might-Have-Been Travel to the USSR. 2017. Issue 3.
Donald M. Brown. Which Way for the Negro Writer?: Ralph Ellison and the Invisible Black Left. 2018. Issue 5.
Olga Panova. Ralph Ellison: The Writer’s Life in Letters. 2020. Issue 8.
Yakovlev, Boris V.
Zhdanov, Andrey A.
Sergey Panov, Olga Panova. “History of American Literature” and the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Article 2. 2017. Issue 2.
Zhirmunsky Victor M.
Stephen Rachman. Pearl S. Buck in Literary History. 2017. Issue 2.
Olga Panova. Pearl S. Buck and the USSR. 2017. Issue 2.
Andrey Tanaseichuk. Ambrose Bierce’s Literary Environment, 1890–1900. 2017. Issue 2.
Andrei Tanaseichuk. On the Margins of Jack London Biography. 2018. Issue 4.
Vassili Molodiakov. Vampire as Superman. George Sylvester Viereck’s Decadent Novel The House of the Vampire in the USA and Germany. 2020. Issue 8.
Vassili Molodiakov. Ezra Pound and George Sylvester Viereck: History of Relations and Unpublished Autograph (1954). 2020. Issue 8.
Denis Zakharov. Unknown Harper Lee. 2020. Issue 8.
Andrey Kofman. The Theme of Barbarism in Latin American Literature. 2016. Issue 1.
Elena Apenko. The Reader’s Figure in Edgar Allan Poe’s Theory of Artistic Creativity. 2017. Issue 2.
Elvira Osipova. On Poe’s Translations in Russia. 2017. Issue 2.
Olga Polovinkina. “Thinking Body” in H.D. Thoreau’s Poetry. 2018. Issue 4.
Sam Halliday. Cinema and Cinematicity in Ralph Ellison’s Three Days Before the Shooting… 2020. Issue 8.
Andrey Kofman. Peculiarities of Mythology in Latin American Literature. 2020. Issue 8.
Andrey Korovin. Kensington Runestone and Its Literary Life. 2018. Issue 4.
Louise Barnett. Louise Erdrich’s Trilogy of Justice. 2018. Issue 4.
Maxim Gudkov. The Gorki Fund in the USA and Revolutionary Russia: From the History of Soviet-American Contacts in the 1920s. 2020. Issue 8.
Amina Zhamanova. Provincetown Players’ Stage Productions Starring Eugene O’Neill. 2020. Issue 8.
Irina Kabanova. Evelyn Waugh and the USA. 2016. Issue 1.
Victoria Popova. Henri Barbusse’s Trip to Latin America: Unrealized Project. 2016. Issue 1.
Octavio Paz. The Siren and the Seashell. Part II. Transl. A. Gladoshuk. 2017. Issue 2.
Rubén Darío. Foreign Writers in Paris. Transl. T. Balashova. 2017. Issue 2.
Elvira Osipova. Salinger, Dostoyevsky, and the Orthodox Tradition. 2018. Issue 4.
Natalia Kharitonova. Letter from Cuba. Rafael Alberti and María Teresa León in Havana. 2020. Issue 8.
Evgeny Zachevsky. “Group 47” at Princeton. 2020. Issue 8.
Olga Shcherbinina. Albert Maltz and Raisa Orlova, 1960s–1970s. 2020. Issue 8.
Fernando Aínsa. Crónica y ensayo: analogías e interdependencies. 2017. Issue 2.
Olga Antsyferova. Henry James: Creating of Biography. 2016. Issue 1.
Andrey Kofman. Juan Rulfo’s Birth Centenary. 2017. Issue 3.
Juan Rulfo. Interview to the newspaper “¡Siempre!”, transl. A. Kofman. 2017. Issue 3.
Ivan Delazari. A Medium of Fiction: William H. Gass. 2018. Issue 4.
Olga Karasik. Philip Roth in Russia: Translations and Reception. 2018. Issue 4.
Elvira Osipova. “Ego non baptizo te in nomine patris...”: On the Fantastic / Supernatural / Demoniac in Melville’s Novel Moby Dick. 2020. Issue 8.
Nina Moroz. “The Four-Dimensional Art”: On One Animated Adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe. 2020. Issue 8.
Irina Golovacheva, Svetlana Udalova. Retranslating Ambiguity: On the New Translations of Two Tales by E.A. Poe. 2020. Issue 8.
Natalia Vyssotska. European Association for American Studies Conference-2016. 2016. Issue 1.
Natalia Vysotska. American Literary Studies in Ukraine: State-ofthe-Art. 2017. Issue 2.
Yuri Stulov. American Studies in Belarus. 2017. Issue 2.
Choi Chatterjee. The Wider Arc of Revolution: The Global Impact of 1917. 2017. Issue 3.
Andrey Astvatsaturov. The First Russian Biography of Henry Miller. 2018. Issue 4.
Tatiana Venediktova. Professionalism at Its Best. 2018. Issue 4.
Alina Zakharova. Jack London Unveiled. 2018. Issue 4.
Olga Panova. Ralph Ellison at Oxford. 2018. Issue 4.
Andrey Astvatsaturov. Raids of the Transatlantic Avant-Guarde. 2020. Issue 8.
Tatiana Venediktova. “Je chante avec toi, Walt Whitman”. 2020. Issue 8.
Olga Panova. Ralph Ellison: The Writer’s Life in Letters. 2020. Issue 8.
Andrey Astvatsaturov. Transatlantica at Smolny: Old World–New World Literary Contacts. 2020. Issue 8.
Irina Morozova. ХХХI Zora! Festival and Multiverse: Introduction to Afrofuturism Conference (Eatonville-Orlando, Florida, USA). 2020. Issue 8.
Maya Koreneva (1936–2016). 2017. Issue 2.
In Memoriam Dan Aaron. 2017. Issue 2.In Memoriam Dan Aaron. 2017. Issue 2.