Хайнц Икштадт

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Хайнц Икштадт является почётным профессором американистики в Институте американистики имени Дж. Ф. Кеннеди в Свободном университете Берлина. Его публикации включают историю американского романа в XX веке, а также эссе об американской литературе и культуры конца XIX века, поэзии и прозе американского модернизма и постмодернизма, истории и теории американистики. Некоторые его эссе вошли в сборник «Лики художественной прозы: эссе об американской литературе и культуре с эпохи Джексона до постмодерна» (Faces of Fiction: Essays on American Literature and Culture from the Jacksonian Age to Postmodernity). Хайнц Икштадт также был редактором нескольких книг об американской культуре и литературе, среди которых была и двуязычная антология американской поэзии. Икштадт был председателем Немецкой ассоциации американистики с 1990 по 1993 гг., а также председателем Европейской ассоциации американистики в 1996-2000 гг.

Премии, гранты, награды:

Spring 2004 – F.Ross Johnson/Connaught Distinguished Visitor, Centre for the Study of the United States, Toronto, Canada.

March 1993 – Research Grant, Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio, Italy.

1983 – Faculty Enrichment Award: Research on Canadian literature in libraries at Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver.

1974  – 1975 – Research Grant, American Council of Learned Societies, Harvard University, Massachusetts.

1960  – 1961 – Fulbright Fellowship, University of Notre Dame, Indiana.

Научные интересы:

  • Американский романтизм
  • Литература конца XIXвека
  • Конец века и ранний модернизм
  • Модернизм и постмодернизм
  • Концепты демократии и нации в американской литературе
  • Городская литература
  • Канадский роман XX века

Избранная библиография:


1. Dichterische Erfahrung und Metaphernstruktur: Eine Untersuchung der Dichtersprache Hart Cranes (Heidelberg: Winter, 1970).

[English title: Poetic Experience and the Structure of Metaphor: The Language of Hart Crane]

2. Der amerikanische Roman im 20. Jahrhundert(Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1998).

[English title: Transformations of the Mimetic: The American Novel in the 20th Century]

3. Faces of Fiction: Essays on American Literature and Culture from the Jacksonian Period to Postmodernity, ed. by Susanne Rohr and Sabine Sielke (Heidelberg: Winter, 2001).

4. Aesthetic Innovation and the Democratic Principle. Essays on Twentieth-Century American Poetry and Fiction. Universitaetsverlag: Heidelberg, 2016

Подготовленные издания:

1. Crossing Borders: Inner- and Intercultural Exchanges in a Multicultural Society (Frankfurt: Lang, 1997).

2. Ordnung und Entropie: Zum Romanwerk von Thomas Pynchon(Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1981).

[English title: Order and Entropy: The Novels of Thomas Pynchon]

3. with R. Kroes/B. Lee: The Thirties: Politics and Culture in a Time of Broken Dreams (Amsterdam: Free University Press, 1987).

4. with T. Gaethgens: American Icons: Transatlantic Perspectives on 18th and 19th Century American Art(University of Chicago Press, 1992).

5. with T. Alves/ T. Cid:Ceremonies and Spectacles: Performing American Culture (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2000).

6. with E. Hesse: Englische und amerikanische Dichtung, Bd. IV (Beck: Muenchen, 2000), 700 pages, bi-lingual edition with introduction and comments.

[English title: English and American Poetry]

7. with Thomas Greven: Meeting Global and Domestic Challenges: Canadian Federalism in Perspective (Berlin: Kennedy-Inst. Publ., 2004).


"The (Re)Construction of American Identity in Literary Modernism." In: R. Hagenbuechle/ J. Raab (eds.), Negotiations of America’s National Identity, vol. II (Tuebingen: Stauffenburg, 2000), 206-228.

"Globalization and the National Paradigm." The European English Messenger IX: 2 (Autumn 2000), 19-21.

"Emily Dickinson’s Place in Literary History; or, the Public Function of a Private Poet." The Emily Dickinson Journal 10:1 (2001), 55-69.

"Deconstructing/Reconstructing Order: The Faces of Transatlantic Modernism." In: M. Klepper/ J. Schoepp (eds.), Transatlantic Modernism (Heidelberg: Winter, 2001), 15-34.

"Towards a Pluralist Aesthetics." In: E. Elliott (ed.), Aesthetics in a Multicultural Age (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002), 263-278.

"’A clean wind through the chaff of truth’ – William Carlos Williams as Critic." In: C. Giorcelli (ed.), special issue: ‘The Poet as Critic’, Litterature d’America XIX-XX: 83-84 (1999/2000), [publ. 2002], 81-101.

"Rueckkehr zum Neubeginn – Amerikanische Formen der Innovation und die ‘Tradition des Neuen von Ralph Waldo Emerson bis Gertrude Stein (und die Harlem Renaissance)." In: M. Moog-Gruenewald (ed.), Das Neue: Eine Denkfigur der Moderne (Heidelberg: Winter, 2002), 247-264.

[English title: Return to New Beginnings – American Forms of Innovation and ‘The Tradition of the New’]

"The Image as Collective Mirror: On Portraits and Their Function in American Literature and Culture." In: J. Durczak (ed.), American Portraits and Self-Portraits (Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska UP, 2002), 37-58.

"Constructing Self - Inventing the Other in (White) North American Fiction." In: M. Messmer/J. Raab (eds.), American Vistasand Beyond (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2002), 229-251.

"American Studies in an Age of Globalization." American Quarterly 54:4 (December 2002), 543-562.

"A Literature of the Eye: The Image and the Moving Image in Modern American Literature." In: U. Haselstein et al. (eds.), Iconographies of Power: The Politics and Poetics of Visual Representation (Heidelberg: Winter, 2003), 111-130.

"Geschichte als Familienepos – Tendenzen des US-amerikanischen Gegenwartsromans." In: H.-P. Burmeister (ed.), Die US-amerikanische Gesellschaft im Spiegel ihrer zeitgenoessischen Literatur,Loccumer Protokolle 74/03 (Rehburg-Loccum: 2004), 11-26.

[English title: History as Family Epic – Tendencies of American Contemporary Fiction]

"Uniting a divided nation: Americanism and anti-Americanism in post-war Germany." European Journal of American Culture 23:2 (2004), 157-170.

"Order and Disorder in American Modern and Postmodern Fiction." In: Z. Levicki (ed.), American Freedoms American (Dis)Orders, vol. 1 (Warsaw: American Studies Center, 2005), 177-193.

"Americanization, Anti-Americanism, and American Studies."in: K. Delaney/R. Janssens (eds.), Over (T)Here: Transatlantic Essays in Honor of Rob Kroes (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2005), 148-160.

"Aesthetic Experience and the Collective Life: John Dewey’s Democratic Aesthetics and the Peculiarities of American Modernism." in: T. Claviez/U. Haselstein/S. Lemke (eds.), Aesthetic Transgressions: Modernity, Liberalism, and the Function of Literature (Heidelberg: Winter, 2006), 261-287.

"William Carlos Williams and German Post-war Poetry." In: B. Waldschmidt-Nelson et al. (eds.), Europe and America: Cultures in Translation (Heidelberg: Winter, 2006), 131-145.

"Does American Studies Still Make Sense? (an Interview)." The Americanist XXIII (2006), 17-33.

"Surviving in the Particular? Uni(versali)ty and Multiplicity in the Novels of Richard Powers." European Journal of American Studies 2007 (online issue).

"Finding Voice in Fragmentation – Negotiations of (Female) Identity in North American Migrant Texts."In: N. Pascal/L. Alonso-Gallo/F. Collado-Rodriguez (eds.), Masculinities, Femininities and the Power of Hybrid in U.S. Narratives – Essays on Gender Borders (Winter: Heidelberg, 2007), 49-66.

"American Studies as Area Studies as Transnational Studies? A European Perspective." Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 27:3 (2007), 633-640.