
№2 2017

УДК / UDK: 82-6

Author: Irina V. Morozova
About the author:

Irina V. Morozova (Russian State University of Humanities, Moscow, Russia; Professor, Doctor Hab. of Philology),

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Zora Neal Hurston’s five letters to Langston Hughes, now being published in Russian for the first time, were written in the late 1920-ies — early 1930-ies.The letters help to understand the reasons which led the two outstanding Harlem Renaissance figures from friendship to contention. Russian translation comes along with the introductory note where major issues of the letters are defined. It is clear that not only the play Mule Bone turned to be “a bone of contention” but their earliest misunderstandings as well as Harlem economic, racial and social tensions. In her correspondence with Hughes Zora N. Hurston reveals her “creative laboratory”, discussing her folklore collection, her idea of black drama, her vision of African American religious believes.

Keywords: Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes, Harlem Renaissance, African American literature and folklore, letters.