
№3 2017

УДК / UDK: 82-091


Author: Vera N. Terekhina
About the author:

Vera N. Terekhina (A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow; Main Researcher, Doctor of Philology)

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The article is devoted to the reception of V. Mayakovsky’s life and work in LatinThe article is devoted to the reception of V. Mayakovsky’s life and work in LatinAmerica and is accompanied by three pieces from Latin Americas press (first publishedin the Russian translation) that represent the early stage of this long process.The following basic factors that helped to include Mayakovsky’s legacy into the contextof another culture are being defined: 1) the Russian revolution of 1917; 2) intermediators,first of all, the Russian diaspora and interpreters; 3) affinity to theavant-garde movement; 4) personal contacts with foreign writers and artists.

Keywords: Latin America, Mayakovsky, reception, D. Vygodsky, C. Vallejo, B. Abramson, A. Candido, A. Bonavides, L. Guerrero, B. Schneiderman.

Abramson, B. “Vladimiro Vladimirovich Maiakovsky. Con motivo de ler aniversario de su suicidio.” Claridad: revista de arte, crítica y letras, tribuna del pensamiento izquierdista 10: 232 (1931): 34.

Bonavides, A. “Maiacovski.” Leitura 13 (Rio de Janeiro, dezembro 1943): 22.

Candido, A. “Notas de crítica literária — um poeta e a poesia. Folha da manhã (São Paulo, 11 de março, 1943).

Gomide, B. “Maiakovskii v Brazilii.” Tvorchestvo V.V.Maiakovskogo, ed. by Terekhina V.N. Moscow: IMLI RAN Publ., 2015. Issue 3:195–205.

Gráfica utópica: Arte Gráfica Russa, 1904–1942. Centro Cultural Banko do Brasil, 2001–2002. Rio de Janeiro, 2002.

Ia zemnoi shar chut' ne ves' oboshel…”, ed. by V.N. Terekhina, A.P.Zimenkov. Moscow: Sovremennik Publ., 1986.

Lotman, Iu.M. “K postroeniiu teorii vzaimodeistviia kul'tur.” Lotman, Iu.M. Stat'i po semiotike kul'tury i iskusstva. St.-Petersburg: Akademicheskii proekt Publ., 2002: 192–210.

Maiakovskii, V.V. Polnoe sobranie proizvedenii: in 20 vols. V. 2, comp., notes by A.A. Kozlovskii, ed. by V.N. Terekhina. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 2013.

Maiakovskii, V.V. Polnoe sobranie proizvedenii: in 20 vols. V. 3, comp., notes by V.N. Djadichev, ed. by V.N. Terekhina. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 2014.

Maiakovskii, V.V. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii: in 13 vols. V. 12. Moscow: Khudozhestvennaia literatura Publ., 1955–1961.

Nad’iarnykh, M.F. “Latinoamerikanskii mif Maiakovskogo.” Tvorchestvo V.V. Maiakovskogo. Issue 3, ed. by V.N. Terekhina. Moscow: IMLI RAN Publ., 2015: 206–221.

Terekhina, V.N. “De la chaqueta amarlla al LEF rojo.” Vanguardia Rusa. El Vertigo del Futuro. México, 2015: 384–417.

Val'ekho, S. “Vladimir Maiakovskii”, transl. K. Korkonosenko. Val'ekho, S. Chernye gerol'dy. Tril'se. Chelovech'i stikhi, ed. by Andreev V.N., Korkonosenko K.S. St.-Petersburg: Nauka Publ., 2016: 354–362.

Vallejo, C. “Vladimiro Maiakovsky.” Bolívar 7 (1930): 7.

“Vse dumaiut, chto ty — statuia.” Mario Vargas L'osa o Nobelevskoi premii, krizise v Katalonii, Tolstom i Gertsene. Interv'iu K. Mil'chnu. 12.10.2017. Online at>intervyu/vse-dumayut-chto-ty-statuya/

Vygodskii, D.I. “Vladimir Maiakovskii v Ispanii i Ispanskoi Amerike.” Zvezda 4 (1931): 205–207.